About Takkoku-no-iwaya Bishamondo( 達谷窟毘沙門堂

The Tachikawa Kyō Bishamondō, perfect for those seeking a transformation in their lives, is renowned as a powerful spot for rebirth and wealth enhancement in Iwate Prefecture.

This sacred site, famous for its architectural design resembling Kyoto’s Kiyomizu-dera, is uniquely constructed into a cliffside.

Although entrance to the inner sanctum is not permitted, the shrine houses about 30 statues of Bishamonten, allowing visitors to feel the potent energy merely by being in proximity.

This spiritual presence offers a unique and profound experience for all who visit.

This shrine is a must-visit for those looking for spiritual rejuvenation and renewal.

Merging the natural beauty and history of Iwate Prefecture, it is open to all seeking spiritual growth and an uplift in wealth fortunes. 


The blessings of Takkoku-no-iwaya Bishamondo

  • Rebirth: An ideal power spot for those desiring a fresh start or a significant change in their lives.
  • Wealth Fortune: A divine source for those seeking financial prosperity and improved fortune.


Tourist information
