Hogihogi Shrine


Hogihogi Shrine(宝来宝来神社)?

Hogihogi Shrine is a famous good luck shrine iin Kumamoto, Japan.

The number of deities enshrined at the shrine is larger than usual, and includes such splendid deities as Toseniwa-sama, Pokkuri Tengu-sama, Married Couple White Snake Serpent Stone, Great Dragon God, Senju Komainu-sama, Hotei Hotei Hotei, Kannon for Marriage, Kannon for Childbirth, Kutouma-sama, Ebisudai Kuro-sama, and others.



The origin of the name "Hogihogi Shrine" is the divine saying "Yo-Ko Wa-Fuku-Sho Kin-Man Takarai (陽幸和福招金萬宝来)," but this "Takarai" does not only mean "winning the lottery" or "money" will come.

For some, treasure is a child, a lover, or marital bliss; for others, it is a companion or success at work, and it varies from person to person.

Despite the fact that the shrine is tucked away in the mountains and forests, there is no end to the number of visitors who come to the shrine to worship the various deities that make such various "treasures" come true.



Lucky Japan incorporates materials that have been carefully prayed for "wish fulfillment" at the Hogihogi Shrine into all products of Special Lucky Jewelry collection before delivering them to you.

Please understand that it may take several weeks from the time of order to the time of delivery, but this is necessary to enhance good luck.

