About Itsukushima Shrine (厳島神社)

Itsukushima Shrine is located on Miyajima Island in Hiroshima Prefecture, a scenic spot where the natural beauty and history of Japan come to life.

This sacred site captivates visitors from both Japan and abroad with its beautiful shrine buildings that appear to float on the sea.

True to its name, Miyajima has been revered as an island where gods dwell since ancient times, with Itsukushima Shrine at the core of this veneration.

Recognized for its global significance when it was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1996, the shrine's architecture features a unique design that seems to rise above the sea, including six buildings designated as National Treasures and another fourteen as Important Cultural Properties.

These structures embody the pinnacle of traditional Japanese architectural techniques, allowing visitors to experience the breath of ancient times.

Moreover, Itsukushima Shrine is a treasure trove of valuable artifacts, including the Heike Nokyo, which are essential for a deep understanding of Japan's art history.

Those who visit the shrine can view these cultural assets up close, providing an immersive experience of Japan's traditional beauty.


The blessings of Itsukushima Shrine

Itsukushima Shrine is renowned for bestowing various blessings upon its visitors.

It is particularly believed to offer protection for traffic safety, enhance financial fortune, and ensure victory in various endeavors such as competitions and examinations.

As a guardian deity for safe travel, a benefactor of wealth, and a granter of success to all those who face challenges, the shrine attracts numerous devotees and tourists alike.

  • Traffic safety
  • Financial fortune
  • Ensure victory


Tourist information
